Follow this link to MY HOME CHURCH. 2. If you are already registered, enter your User Name and Password
3. If you are not registered, click the "New User?" link to choose a User Name and have a temporary password sent to you. (This may take a few days.) Once your temporary password has been sent to you, you can log on by following the above link. You will be able to reset your password once you log-on.
4. Click "Giving History"
5. Click the teal button that reads, "Download"
6. Click the drop down link that reads, "Statement." (Your electronic statement will then download to your computer and you can then click on the document to view and print.)
Please note: In the interest of being good stewards of our financial gifts, we no longer send statements in the mail. You can request that we print a statement for you to pick up from our office, or we can email you a copy of your statement. If you wish to receive your statement via email, please send a request to