I greet you with the love and grateful heart for your understanding and support in this troubling time in our world. With the escalation of covid19 delta variants and increasing number of cases and deaths throughout the world and in our country; natural afflictions and disasters; violence, war and political unrest; and the polarity of civil divide across all aspects of our lives, I offer to God my prayer and gratitude for keeping St. George parish community safe and secure in our faith and our confidence in our Lord, Jesus Christ, who promised us that He will always be with us until the end of the world.
As the Lord reassured us in John 14, “Do not let your hearts be troubled, have faith in God,” I am strengthened with His assurance, to keep the faith and persevere til the end. I pray too that our parish community will also be strengthen in our faith and trust in God in the midst of the changes and uncertainties of the future.
With the concerns the health, safety, and wellbeing of all our families and other considerations such as limited resources and higher costs of supplies, the leadership team and I have made a difficult decision of cancelling our annual August Crabcake Dinner, which would have taken place this weekend. I am saddened and regret that we are not able to provide the food and fellowship again to the community this year. Thank you for your understanding.
I am deeply thankful for all the generous donors who have sent us checks or through online giving (Faith-Direct), supported our parish to stay afloat with last year’s cancellation. The same generous donors are offering to match up to $3,000 in contributions made to the church to compensate the lost income due to cancellation of the dinner this year. I invite you to pray and consider helping the parish with monetary donations to keep us afloat again this fiscal year. Please mark all donation as “Church Dinner” for our accounting.
With much prayer, love, and appreciation for your continual support of our parish, I remain