From Fr. Paul: Stations of the Cross, presented by our Confirmation students WILL take place this evening (3/13/20), as well as our final fish dinner. We regret that we will not be able to join together as a community of faith after this evening, but out of obedience to our Bishop and a desire to help contain the COVID-19 virus, we will NOT be having Masses or public gatherings until further notice. This includes YFF classes, Youth Group, bible studies and the debate planned for Wednesday evening. When the 'all-clear' is given from the Bishop, we will resume business as usual. Please follow the links in this message and on our parish website and Facebook pages to view Sunday Masses at home and make Spiritual Communions. We sincerely appreciate all who continue to support our parish with time, talent and treasure throughout the physical and spiritual crises our Catholic Church continues to experience. May God continue to bless us all until we may join together in the Eucharistic Celebration one more.